Título | Recent Research on EMF and Health Risks (Seventeenth report from SSI’s Scientific Council on Electromagnetic Fields, 2024) |
Resumo | The results of the research review give no reason to change any reference levels or recommendations in the field. However, the observations of biological effects in animals due to weak radio wave exposure clearly show the importance of maintaining the Swedish Environmental Code precautionary thinking. SSM´s hands-free recommendation for mobile phone calls remains even though trends of glioma incidences do not provide support for an increasing risk caused by mobile phone radio wave exposure. However, observed biological effects and uncertainties regarding possible long term effects justify caution. No new findings that clearly change the suspicion of a causal link between weak low-frequency magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia have emerged in the report. The Swedish authorities’ recommendation to generally limit exposure to low frequency magnetic fields due to the observed increased incidence of childhood leukaemia close to power lines remains unchanged. |
Fonte | Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI) |
Origem | Suécia |
Autor/Editor | SSI’s Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields. |
Disponibilidade | Disponível online |
Endereço | https://www.stralsakerhetsmyndigheten.se /en/publications/reports/radiation-protection/2024/202405 |
Referência | SSI Rapport 2024:05 |
Data | Março 2024 |