Relatórios Técnicos

Título Survey of radio wave exposure 2022
Resumo In March and April 2022, ARPANSA scientists measured public exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic energy, also known as radio waves, at 50 sites across Melbourne. At the locations measured, the public’s exposure to radio waves from wireless technology was found to be well below the limits in the Australian safety standard. The measurements collected in Melbourne represent the typical radio wave exposures that ARPANSA would expect to see in other major Australian cities.
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)
Origem Austrália
Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Data 2022
Título Guidance on Complying With Limits For Human Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields
Resumo This Recommendation aims to help with compliance of telecommunication installations and mobile handsets or other radiating devices used against the head with safety limits for human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). It presents general guidance, a calculation method, and an installation assessment procedure. The assessment procedure for telecommunication installations, based on safety limits provided by ICNIRP, helps users determine the likelihood of installation compliance based on accessibility criteria, antenna properties and emitter power. The IEC Standard for the compliance measurement of mobile handsets is recommended.
Fonte Telecommunication Standardization Sector of International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T)
Origem Internacional
Autor/Editor ITU-T Study Group 5
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência ITU-T Recommendation K.52
Data Setembro 2018
Título Exposure of the General Public to Radio Waves near Microcell and Picocell Base Stations for Mobile Telecommunications
Resumo This document reports on the exposure assessment of the general public to radio waves transmitted by microcell and picocell base stations for mobile telecommunications through theoretical and experimental means. More generally, exposures to radio waves transmitted over a range of frequencies in the VHF and UHF bands by a variety of sources have also been investigated experimentally.
Fonte Health Protection Agency – National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB)
Origem Cooper et al.
Autor/Editor NRPB
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência NRPB – W62
Data Setembro 2004
Título Safety Issues Associated With Base Stations Used for Personal Wireless Communications
Resumo The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Committee on Man and Radiation (COMAR) acknowledges public concerns about the safety of exposure to radio frequency (RF) fields from base station antennas used for cellular telephone and other wireless communications services. This technical information statement explains the basic operating characteristics of the various cellular and related personal wireless communication services, and resulting exposure levels are compared to the FCC and other safety guidelines. An Appendix describes wireless cellular systems in more detail, and includes a glossary of terms.
Fonte Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Committee on Man and Radiation (COMAR)
Origem Estados Unidos da América
Autor/Editor IEEE COMAR
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Data Setembro 2000
Título Exposure to radio waves near mobile phone base stations
Resumo This NRPB report reflects understanding and evaluation of the current scientific evidence on exposure to radio waves coming from mobile phone base stations. The objectives of this report are to provide factual information about exposure and to clarify further the basis for NRPB scientific position. It gives an overview on base station characteristics, national and international exposure guidelines, measurement equipments and surveying procedures. Results of exposure assessments carried out at 17 sites near mobile phone base stations are presented and discussed.
Fonte National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB)
Origem Reino Unido
Autor/Editor Mann et al.
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência NRPB – R321
Data Junho 2000
Título Radiated EME exposure levels – Prediction methodologies
Resumo Radiated fields from cellular telephone base stations must comply with safety limits imposed by the Australian Communications Authority (ACA). The limits are described in the ACA Standard: Electromagnetic Radiation – Human Exposure Standard 1999. The purpose of this technical report is to provide a protocol that allows a prediction of the estimated exposure levels to show compliance with the ACA Standard prior to installation of the radiating antennae. The assessment is a prediction of RF EME levels that are a result of line-of-sight propagation from the antennae to a point that is considered to be in the centre of the horizontal beam pattern.
Fonte Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)
Origem Austrália
Autor/Editor Michael Bangay / ARPANSA
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Data Março 2000
Título Levels of Radiofrequency Radiation from GSM Mobile Telephone Base Stations
Resumo This report presents field survey measurements data and provides information on the levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation to which members of the public may be exposed from mobile telephone base stations. The measured RF electromagnetic energy (EME) levels are compared with the maximum permitted limit for non-occupational exposure with respect to the Radiocommunications (Electromagnetic Radiation Human Exposure) Standard 1999 which specifies a maximum non-occupational exposure limit of 2 W/m2 (equivalent to 200 μW/cm2) at relevant base station frequencies. Although the focus of the survey was on measuring the RF EME emission levels from the digital Global System for Mobile communication (GSM), the environmental RF EME measurement component of the project involved investigating the EME levels from other sources, including the analog Advance Mobile Phone Systems (AMPS), VHF TV, UHF TV, AM radio, FM radio and Paging. The results clearly demonstrate that the RF EME emissions from GSM base stations are several orders of magnitude below the maximum permitted limit. A worst case RF EME power flux density prediction, based on our measurements from GSM base stations, is 0.178 μW/cm2 (the 200 μW/cm2 limit of power flux density is at least 1,000 times this predicted value). However, the average RF exposure level from GSM base stations is considerably less, at 0.0016 μW/cm2 (the 200 μW/cm2 limit of power flux density is at least 100,000 times this average value). Measurements of the fixed site environmental RF EME power flux density levels indicate that, relative to the maximum exposure limit permitted in the standard, after adjusting the exposure limit with respect to the frequency of the signal, the highest environmental RF exposure was FM radio (0.0259 μW/cm2), with the 200 μW/cm2 limit of power flux density at least 7,000 times this value.
Fonte Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA)
Origem Austrália
Autor/Editor Line et al.
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência Technical Report 129
Data Janeiro 2000
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