Título Recent Research on EMF and Health Risks (Fourth annual report from SSI’s Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields, 2006)
Resumo This year’s report includes a preamble in which the work process of the IEG is described. In particular the methods for evaluation of the results of studies as well as for synthesizing the scientific evidence within a research area are described. The main part of the report is divided into one section on ELF and another section on RF. Each of these sections discusses both experimental and observational studies. The report also comments upon a review from the UK on the possible relation between EMF and the hormone melatonin. In addition, the report includes a section that discusses newly emerging biological techniques that are of potential importance to laboratory EMF research. In last year’s report the concluding section listed some key issues on which it was considered possible to assess the scientific evidence based on the review in that year’s report and in previous years’ reports. This list of key issues has been updated in the current report.
Fonte Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI)
Origem Suécia
Autor/Editor SSI’s Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields.
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Endereço https://www.stralsakerhetsmyndigheten.se/contentassets/
Referência SSI Rapport 2007:04
Data Março 2007
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