Título Product standard to demonstrate the compliance of wireless communication devices with the basic restrictions and exposure limit values related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 6 GHz: hand-held and body mounted devices in close proximity to the human body
Resumo This product standard applies to wireless communication devices used at distances up to and including 200 mm from the human body, i.e. when held in the hand or in front of the face, mounted on the body, combined with other transmitting or non-transmitting devices or accessories (e.g. belt-clip, camera or Bluetooth add-on), or embedded in garments. The applicable frequency range is from 30 MHz to 6 GHz. The objective of this standard is to demonstrate the compliance of such devices with the basic restrictions and exposure limit values related to human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields. For devices used next to the ear the applicable product standard is EN 50360:2017. For low power devices the applicable product standard is prEN 50663:2016.
Origem Internacional
Autor/Editor TC 106X – Electromagnetic fields in the human environment
Disponibilidade Disponível por encomenda
Endereço https://standards.cencenelec.eu/dyn/www/f?p=CENELEC:110:::::FSP_PROJECT,FSP_ORG_ID:62211,1258483&cs=136ABC7DB8743F3E2E92DAB97E1109D24
Referência NP EN 50566:2017
Data Março 2017
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