Processos de Medida

Título Measurement of radio frequency electromagnetic fields to determine compliance with human exposure limits when a base station is put into operation
Resumo Recommendation ITU-T K.100 provides information on measurement techniques and procedures for assessing compliance with the general public electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure limits when a new base station (BS) is put into operation, taking into account effects of the environment and other relevant radio frequency sources present in its surroundings.
Fonte Telecommunication Standardization Sector of International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T)
Origem Internacional
Autor/Editor Telecommunication Standardization Sector of International Telecommunication Union (ITU-T)
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência ITU-T K.100
Data Agosto 2024
Título Determination of the radiated power through ground-based field strength measurements in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 6000 MHz
Resumo The radiated power of a transmitter is one of the most important parameters which characterise a transmitter
and its emissions. Usually, it is not possible to measure the radiated power directly. However, there are two
different methods to determine the radiated power indirectly. The first method would measure the transmitter
output power and calculate the radiated power by taking into account cable losses and antenna gain. The
second method measures the field strength and calculates the radiated power by taking into account the
measurement distance and the propagation loss. The purpose of this ECC Recommendation is to provide common measurement methods which will enable
CEPT administrations to determine the radiated power of a transmitter in the frequency range from 30 MHz to
6000 MHz from field strength measurements reducing as much as possible the uncertainty of the
Fonte Electronic Communications Committee (ECC)
Origem Internacional
Autor/Editor Electronic Communications Committee (ECC)
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência ECC Recommendation (12)03
Data Outubro 2023
Título Basic standard for the in-situ assessment of exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields in the vicinity of a broadcast site
Resumo This document specifies the method for assessing overall exposure from all fixed radio frequency sources at a broadcast site. This assessment can be applied at any time but is carried out when the exposure situation changes in or around the aforementioned site. This document can play an essential role in the coordination of different stakeholders, with respect to ensuring EMF exposure compliance in the vicinity of a broadcast site especially for equipment installed within the site.
Fonte European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)
Origem Internacional
Autor/Editor European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC)
Disponibilidade Disponível por encomenda
Referência CLC/TC 106X
Data Abril 2022
Título Guidelines for the Measurement of Radiofrequency Fields at Frequencies from 3 kHz to 300 GHz
Resumo This document outlines some principles and background information for the measurement of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. It also provides a number of recommended measurement procedures for the different types of telecommunication services. The techniques for both the near field and far field measurements are based on the instrumentation that is currently available. The recommended procedures are not considered to be appropriate for the measurement of electromagnetic fields in the reactive near field region.
Fonte Industry Canada
Origem Canadá
Autor/Editor Industry Canada
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência GL-01, Issue 3
Data Dezembro 2021
Título Regulamento relativo à metodologia de elaboração e execução dos planos de monitorização e medição dos níveis de intensidade dos campos electromagnéticos resultantes da emissão de estações de radiocomunicações
Resumo O regulamento define a metodologia de elaboração e execução dos planos de monitorização e medição dos níveis de intensidade dos campos eletromagnéticos resultantes da emissão de estações de radiocomunicações, nos termos do n.º 2 do artigo 12.º do Decreto-Lei n.º 11/2003, de 18 de Janeiro. A metodologia definida pelo presente regulamento aplica-se aos planos de monitorização e medição a elaborar, nos termos do n.º 1 do artigo 12.º do decreto-lei, pelas entidades habilitadas a instalar e utilizar estações de radiocomunicações afetas à prestação de serviços de comunicações eletrónicas acessíveis ao público.
Fonte ANACOM – Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Origem Portugal
Autor/Editor ANACOM
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência Regulamento n.º 609/2011, de 25 de novembro
Data Novembro 2011
Título Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurements
Resumo When reporting the result of a measurement of a physical quantity, some quantitative indication of the result has to be given to assess its reliability and to allow comparisons to be made. The Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement establishes general rules for evaluating and expressing uncertainty in measurement that can be followed at many levels of accuracy and in many fields.
Fonte International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) / International Organization for Standardization (isso)
Origem Internacional
Autor/Editor ISO/IEC
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008
Data Outubro 2008
Título IEEE Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computations of Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields With Respect to Human Exposure to Such Fields,100 kHz-300 GHz
Resumo Techniques and instrumentation for the measurement and computation of potentially hazardous electromagnetic (EM) fields both in the near field and the far field of the electromagnetic source are specified. The specifications previously set forth in IEEE Std C95.3-1991 are extended and combined. Leakage and near-field measurements and a description of the concepts, techniques, and instruments that can be applied to the measurement of specific absorption rate (SAR) or the electric field strength in organisms (including humans) and phantoms exposed to electromagnetic fields are included. Below 100 MHz, the current flowing through the body to ground is measurable and can be used to determine the SAR and, therefore, a brief treatment of lowfrequency body current measurement is included.
Fonte Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES)
Origem Estados Unidos da América
Autor/Editor IEEE – ICES
Disponibilidade Disponível por encomenda
Referência IEEE Std. C95.3-2002
Data Junho 2008
Título Regulamento de procedimentos de monitorização e medição dos níveis de intensidade dos campos eletromagnéticos com origem em estações de radiocomunicações
Resumo Este regulamento especifica os procedimentos de medição de radiação eletromagnética não ionizante (9 kHz-300 GHz) no local com vista a avaliar os campos eletromagnéticos para comparação com os níveis de referência fixados na Portaria n.º 1421/2004, de 23 de Novembro, publicada ao abrigo do n.º 1 do artigo 11.º do Decreto-Lei n.º 11/2003, de 18 de Janeiro. O disposto neste Regulamento baseia-se na recomendação ECC “Medição de radiação eletromagnética não ionizante (9 kHz-300 GHz)”, adotada pelo grupo de trabalho Gestão de Frequências (FM), do Comité das Comunicações Eletrónicas (ECC) da Conferência Europeia das Administrações dos Correios e Telecomunicações (CEPT).
Fonte ANACOM – Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações
Origem Portugal
Autor/Editor ANACOM
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência Regulamento n.º 86/2007
Data Maio 2007
Título Stations de base pour téléphonie mobile (UMTS – FDD) – Recommandation sur les mesures
Resumo La présente publication, destinée aux autorités d’exécution et aux laboratoires de mesures, contient des instructions sur la manière de mesurer et d’évaluer le rayonnement émis par les stations de base de téléphonie mobile des réseaux UMTS. Elle sert en même temps de base à l’accréditation des laboratoires effectuant de telles mesures. L’accent porte sur les mesures effectuées à l’intérieur des bâtiments. Après un bref aperçu de la technique UMTS, les dispositions déterminantes de l’ordonnance sur la protection contre le rayonnement non ionisant (ORNI) sont expliquées et précisées. Suivent des recommandations détaillées concernant la méthode et les appareils de mesure, le traitement de l’incertitude de mesure et une évaluation des résultats conforme à l’ordonnance. Une des annexes concerne la détermination de l’incertitude de mesure, une autre l’extrapolation d’un résultat de mesure à la capacité maximale de l’installation émettrice.
Fonte Office fédéral de l’environnement (OFEV)
Origem Suiça
Autor/Editor OFEV
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Data Outubro 2006
Título Protocole de Mesure in Situ
Resumo Ce document a pour objectif de décrire la méthode de mesure retenue par l’Agence Nationale des Fréquences concernant l’application du décret n° 2002-775 du 03 mai 2002 conformément aux exigences de la recommandation de l’ECC (02) 04 (European Communications Committee). La présente méthode est particulièrement adaptée aux émissions des réseaux mobiles de type GSM 900/1800, de radiodiffusion (sonore ou visuelle) et des Réseaux Radioélectriques Indépendants.
Fonte Agence Nationale des Fréquences (ANFR)
Origem França
Autor/Editor ANFR
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência ANFR/DR-15
Data Maio 2004
Título Measuring Non-Ionizing Electromagnetic Radiation (9 kHz – 300 GHz)
Resumo This Recommendation specifies in-situ measurement procedures in order to assess electromagnetic fields for the purpose of comparison against limits for human exposure applying in CEPT countries (e.g. EU 1999/519/EC,ICNIRP guidelines, national limits,…). It is important to note that this recommendation does not itself standardise or define exposure limits, or cover human exposure to radio signals.
Fonte Electronic Communications Committee – European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations (ECC-CEPT)
Origem Internacional
Autor/Editor Frequency Management Working Group (FM WG)
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência ECC/REC/(02)04
Data Outubro 2003
Título Stations de base pour téléphonie mobile (GSM) – Recommandation sur les mesures
Resumo La présente publication, destinée aux autorités d’exécution et aux laboratoires de mesures, contient des instructions sur la manière de mesurer et d’évaluer le rayonnement émis par les stations de base de téléphonie mobile des réseaux GSM. Elle sert en même temps de base à l’accréditation des laboratoires effectuant de telles mesures. L’accent porte sur les mesures effectuées à l’intérieur des bâtiments. Après un bref aperçu de la technique GSM, les dispositions déterminantes de l’ordonnance sur la protection contre le rayonnement non ionisant (ORNI) sont expliquées et précisées. Suivent des recommandations détaillées concernant la méthode et les appareils de mesure, le traitement de l’incertitude de mesure et une évaluation des résultats conforme à l’ordonnance. Une des annexes concerne la détermination de l’incertitude de mesure, une autre l’extrapolation d’un résultat de mesure à la capacité maximale de l’installation émettrice.
Fonte Office fédéral de l’environnement (OFEV)
Origem Suiça
Autor/Editor OFEV
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência VU-5800-F
Data Janeiro 2002
Título Occupational Exposure to Electromagnetic Fields: Practical Application of NRPB Guidance
Resumo Current NRPB guidance on exposure to electromagnetic fields was published in 1993. Since then, NRPB has gained considerable experience of the practical implementation of this guidance in industrial environments.This report describes strategies that have been developed to allow comparisons to be made between measured exposure levels and the NRPB restrictions on exposure in situations where the straightforward application of the investigation levels may not always be appropriate.
Fonte National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB)
Origem Reino Unido
Autor/Editor P. J. Chadwick
Disponibilidade Disponível por encomenda
Referência NRPB – R301
Data Julho 1998
Título OET Bulletin 65 – Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields
Resumo This revised OET Bulletin 65 has been prepared to provide assistance in determining whether proposed or existing transmitting facilities, operations or devices comply with limits for human exposure to radiofrequency (RF) fields adopted by the Federal Communications.
Fonte Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
Origem Estados Unidos da América
Autor/Editor Robert F. Cleveland, Jr., David M. Sylvar, Jerry L. Ulcek
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Referência OET Bulletin 65
Data Agosto 1997
Título A Practical Guide to the Determination of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields
Resumo NCRP Report No. 119 is intended to constitute a compendium of general knowledge useful to those health and safety professionals concerned with evaluating radiofrequency hazards. It provides a comprehensive collection of information on various radiofrequency radiation sources and a straightforward “how to” guide for estimating the exposures associated with these sources. Major sections of the Report treat the following subjects: • basic concepts, including definitions of terms and units • procedures for evaluation of exposures • instruments and measurement techniques • recommended areas for further research and technical or engineering development Appendices provide a quick reference source for use in assessing the relative significance of exposures from various radiofrequency sources, including a description of methods for performing practical measurements and computations. Explicit examples of exposure surveys for selected common sources are provided.
Fonte National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements (NCRP)
Origem Estados Unidos da América
Autor/Editor NCRP
Disponibilidade Disponível por encomenda
Referência NCRP Report No. 119
Data Janeiro 1993
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