Título monIT Project – A Procedure for Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation in the Presence of Multiple Base Stations
Resumo This document describes the measurement procedure adopted by the monIT Project for monitoring electromagnetic radiation originated by multiple base stations from mobile communication systems. It specifies techniques for the measurement of electromagnetic fields in order to assess compliance with thresholds for human exposure. The overall procedure is based on the recommendation ECC/REC (02)04 from CEPT, which specifies a measurement method to assess electromagnetic radiation levels on the frequency band from 9 kHz to 300 GHz. A simple method for the selection of measurement points is also proposed. It was developed by the monIT Project team and consists in a several steps procedure, depending on the topology type of the surrounding antennas and on the number of transmitters. The proposed approach aims to be as practical as possible, allowing a systematic use of the method.
Fonte Projeto monIT
Origem Portugal
Autor/Editor Luis M. Correia, Carlos Fernandes, Gonçalo Carpinteiro, Carla Oliveira
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Endereço https://faqtos.pt/wp-content/uploads/
Referência MONIT_Ext_Tec_0147_03_COST281Paris
Data Setembro 2004
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