Título Implementation report on the Council Recommendation limiting the public exposure to electromagnetic fields (0 Hz to 300 GHz)
Resumo The Commission was invited in the Council Recommendation (1999/519/EC)3 to “keep the matters covered by this recommendation under review, with a view to its revision and updating, taking into account also possible effects, which are currently the object of research, including relevant aspects of precaution and to prepare a report, within five years, taking into account the reports of the Member States and the latest scientific data and advice”. The aim of this report serves to update the European Parliament, the Council and the Committee on Environment, Public Health and Consumer Policy on the work undertaken at a Community level by the Commission and Member States since the Council Recommendation of 12 July 1999 abovementioned. This report also aims to provide policy makers across the Union with a synopsis of the various measures being employed by the Member and Accession States, leading to a better understanding of the scope of the current measures. And indeed, the review process which is required after a period of five years following the adoption of the Recommendation has been initiated earlier to take into account mounting public concern, the development of new technologies and the necessity to respond more rapidly to new scientific evidence.
Fonte Conselho da União Europeia
Origem Internacional
Autor/Editor Conselho da União Europeia
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Endereço https://ec.europa.eu/health/
Data Janeiro 2003
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