Título Human exposure to radio frequency fields from hand-held and body-mounted wireless communication devices – Human models, instrumentation, and procedures – Part 2: Procedure to determine the specific absorption rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)
Resumo This part of IEC 62209 series is applicable to any wireless communication device capable of transmitting electromagnetic fields (EMF) intended to be used at a position near the human body, in the manner described by the manufacturer, with the radiating part(s) of the device at distances up to and including 200 mm from a human body, i.e. when held in the hand or in front of the face, mounted on the body, combined with other transmitting or non-transmitting devices or accessories (e.g. belt-clip, camera or Bluetooth add-on), or embedded in garments. For transmitters used in close proximity to the human ear, the procedures of IEC 62209-1:2005 are applicable. This standard is applicable for radio frequency exposure in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz, and may be used to measure simultaneous exposures from multiple radio sources used in close proximity to human body. Definitions and evaluation procedures are provided for the following general categories of device types: body-mounted, body-supported, desktop, front-of-face, hand-held, laptop, limb-mounted, multi-band, push-to-talk, clothing-integrated. The types of devices considered include but are not limited to mobile telephones, cordless microphones, auxiliary broadcast devices and radio transmitters in personal computers. This International Standard gives guidelines for a reproducible and conservative measurement methodology for determining the compliance of wireless devices with the SAR limits. Because studies suggest that exclusion of features to represent a hand in human models constitutes a conservative case scenario for SAR in the trunk and the head, a representation of a hand is not included if the device is intended to be used next to the head or supported on or near the torso [73], [80]. This standard does not apply for exposures from transmitting or non-transmitting implanted medical devices. This standard does not apply for exposure from devices at distances greater than 200 mm away from the human body. IEC 62209-2 makes cross-reference to IEC 62209-1:2005 where complete clauses or sub clauses apply, along with any changes specified.
Origem Internacional
Autor/Editor TC 106X – Electromagnetic fields in the human environment
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Endereço https://standards.cencenelec.eu/dyn/www/f?p=CENELEC:110:::::FSP_PROJECT,FSP_ORG_ID:65911,1258483&cs=1B968A47AE135703B8630D27B0EBD2980
Referência NP EN 62209-2:2010/A1:2019
Data 2019
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