Título Extremely Low Frequency Fields – Environmental Health Criteria Monograph No.238
Resumo This EHC addresses the possible health effects of exposure to extremely low frequency (>0 Hz – 100 kHz) electric and magnetic fields. By far the majority of studies concern the health effects resulting from exposure to power frequency (50–60 Hz) magnetic fields; a few studies address the effects of exposure to power frequency electric fields. In addition, a number of studies have addressed the effects of exposure to the very low frequency (VLF, 3–30 kHz) switched gradient magnetic fields used in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and, more commonly, the weaker VLF fields emitted by visual display units (VDU’s) and televisions.
Fonte World Health Organization (WHO)
Origem Internacional
Autor/Editor WHO
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Endereço https://www.who.int/peh-emf/publications/elf_ehc/en
Referência EHC Monograph 238
Data Agosto 2016
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