Título | Exposure to radio waves near mobile phone base stations |
Resumo | This NRPB report reflects understanding and evaluation of the current scientific evidence on exposure to radio waves coming from mobile phone base stations. The objectives of this report are to provide factual information about exposure and to clarify further the basis for NRPB scientific position. It gives an overview on base station characteristics, national and international exposure guidelines, measurement equipments and surveying procedures. Results of exposure assessments carried out at 17 sites near mobile phone base stations are presented and discussed. |
Fonte | National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) |
Origem | Reino Unido |
Autor/Editor | Mann et al. |
Disponibilidade | Disponível online |
Endereço | https://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk /ukgwa/20140722234049mp_/http://www.hpa.org.uk/webc/HPAwebFile/HPAweb_C/1194947399556 |
Referência | NRPB – R321 |
Data | Junho 2000 |