Título | Electromagnetic field (EMF) strength inside underground railway trains |
Resumo | The electromagnetic field (EMF) environment surrounding underground railway trains is among those most frequently met by the general public in daily life. When an underground railway train passes through a tunnel, especially, passengers are exposed to the EMF radiated by several repeaters installed on the wall. EMF sources are close to passengers under these conditions. Supplement 19 to ITU-T K‑series Recommendations reports evaluations of EMF exposure levels in underground railway trains from mobile communication base stations installed in tunnels. |
Fonte | ITU-T |
Origem | Internacional |
Autor/Editor | ITU-T Study Group 5 |
Disponibilidade | Disponível online |
Endereço | https://www.itu.int /rec/T-REC-K.Sup19 |
Referência | T-REC-K.Sup19 |
Data | Setembro 2019 |