Título Determination of workers’ exposure to electromagnetic fields and assessment of risk at a broadcast site
Resumo This European Standard provides methods for assessing compliance with the requirements of the Directive 2013/35/EU at a site operating one or more broadcast transmitters. This standard covers the frequency range up to GHz. Users of this standard are invited to consult the national legislation in order to identify the national regulations and requirements. These national regulations and requirements can have additional requirements that are not covered by this standard.
Origem Internacional
Autor/Editor TC 106X – Electromagnetic fields in the human environment
Disponibilidade Disponível por encomenda
Endereço https://standards.cencenelec.eu/dyn/www/f?p=CENELEC:110:::::FSP_PROJECT,FSP_ORG_ID:59055,1258483&cs=1EEEAB48BBE2C685DD3CE1A21039D946C
Referência NP EN 50496:2018
Data 2018
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