Título Definition of Exclusion Zones around typical Installations of Base Station Antennas
Resumo The aim of this document is the definition of exclusion zones around typical base station antennas installations. A classification of installation types is first presented and essential parameters are identified. A discussion around biological effects from radiation and existing recommendations on exposure levels to electromagnetic radiation is then presented. A literature overview is made, and an approach for the estimation of exclusion zones is presented.
Fonte Projecto monIT
Origem Portugal
Autor/Editor Carla Oliveira, Carlos C. Fernandes, Cristina Reis, Gonçalo Carpinteiro, Lúcio Ferreira, Luís M. Correia, Daniel Sebastião
Disponibilidade Disponível online
Endereço https://faqtos.pt/wp-content/uploads/
Referência MONIT_Int_Tec_0102_15_BSExclZones
Data Fevereiro 2005
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