Health effects of exposure to EMF

The purpose of this opinion is to update the SCENIHR opinion of March 2007 in the light of newly available information, and to provide a methodological framework and corresponding guidelines to evaluate available scientific evidence in order to ensure the best possible quality for risk assessment. In order to update the opinion, a scientific rationale was established

Health effects of exposure to EMF2021-02-11T10:15:12+00:00

Final Technical Report on Occupational EMF Exposure

This report focuses on analysis of on-going and completed studies conducted in different European countries in the area of measurement methods and computer simulations used for specific EMF exposure assessment for occupational risk evaluation.

Final Technical Report on Occupational EMF Exposure2021-02-11T10:16:29+00:00

Recent Research on Mobile Telephony and Health Risks (Second annual report from SSI’s Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields)

The Swedish radiation protection authority, SSI (Statens strålskyddsinstitut) has appointed an international independent expert group (IEG) for electromagnetic fields (EMF) and health

Recent Research on Mobile Telephony and Health Risks (Second annual report from SSI’s Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields)2024-10-10T11:24:02+00:00

Epidemiology of Health Effects of Radiofrequency Exposure

The authors have undertaken a comprehensive review of epidemiologic studies about the effects of radiofrequency fields (RFs) on human health in order to summarize the current state of knowledge, explain the methodologic issues that are involved, and aid in the planning of future studies

Epidemiology of Health Effects of Radiofrequency Exposure2021-02-03T18:55:39+00:00

Mobile Phones and Health

In May 2000 the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones (IEGMP), chaired by Sir William Stewart, issued its report on mobile phones and health

Mobile Phones and Health2021-02-11T10:00:54+00:00
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